Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cherry blossoms.

The season when cherry blossom petals are scattered is the season when all the people pass each other.

Everybody parts from the person who does not want to part and meets the person who does not want to meet.

Though they watch the same sky, a feeling regrets an encounter without reaching it at all, and, under cover of a crowd, all of us regret parting.
There is little nice parting, and there are few sad encounters.

In this town where such an agony of separation comes and goes, will we understand it sometime?

A fragrance of the plum which feels same east Blowin' in the Wind is different in all.

I yearn, and there is it, and I am sad, and a fragrance of a certain plum is already deleted for a spring breeze, and cherry blossoms without a fragrance finish dyeing.

I do not know everyone about you, and you know only my part, too.

Therefore can you be gentle?

If all intellect closes, we will surely part.

Old things do not matter.

If there is you who are in the very front now.

Any kind of stain may be on in your past.

I do not tell my past and am not going to hear your past.

You and I are afraid of even a slight quarrel.

There is not a trifling quarrel and will be destined to be scattered to relation between you and me who told a bunch of an excuse and lies like cherry blossom petals.

The joy that we tasted together and joy and sorrow and hardship are all empty if not used to honesty.

I want to ask a decoy.

Will you dye all the hearts of creatures in the world into pinkness?

Light pinkness is a color of our flesh.

Surely the contents and appearance are equal to it and we understand it and will toss it if I do so it.

If starvation shares both war and a disease together, surely lose weight; is taken its ease.

I am relieved of snow and force an ear on wet earth.
I hear beating of the earth.
I hear sadness of the earth.

Affection of the earth is felt.
Because it is a season of reproduction in spring, we can start all again now.

Warmth of the earth surely absorbs all sorrow even if I kill oneself by oneself even if I steal a thing even if I murder a person, and a dead thing is rebeared, and the thing which I broke is repaired and may return the thing which I stole quietly.

Nobody will blame them.
All is magic of spring.
All are fascination of cherry blossoms.

I will be deceived to cherry blossoms with pleasure.
Even if I kill myself even if you kill me even if probably I kill you because it is the season when a creature looks most beautiful, cherry blossom petals cover it.

Cherry blossoms cleanse the whole world.
Cherry blossoms may be to be flame of Purgatory.
Cherry blossoms are in full glory all at once and are scattered manfully.

Surely cherry blossoms will burn down crimes in the world once a year.

Therefore I burn an old crime and will be stained with a new crime.

I tell you a lie and deceive the world and deceive a family, and I pretend happy.


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